• No. myoActivation has a unique systematic approach to assessment and treatment, uses different types of needles than IMS and acupuncture and there is no medication injected.

  • Very likely! Chronic pain and mobility dysfunction directly impact on the mind-body-spirit connections. Barb will take a holistic view of your injury history and consider this when treating you. Most patients describe improvement in mental wellbeing.

  • Yes, often headache intensity is decreased or resolved completely.

  • This varies for everyone. People use the following words to describe the sensation: stinging, burning, sharp, aching, lightning bolts, shooting, cramping, bee sting, nothing. After treatments it’s common to feel bruised, aching and maybe tingling for a few days.

  • Lots of people don’t like needles. However, if you are known to faint when getting a needle then it’s important you talk about this with Barb before starting care. Some strategies to help reduce anxiety are used. Often, this fear lessens with each treatment.

  • Treatment is aimed at restoring soft tissue of the skin, muscles, fascia and scars. Changes from the needling likely occur through release of muscle trigger points, restoration of the viscosity of the fascia matrix and perforation of the scar to improve its suppleness. Nervous system pathways are altered as well.